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Inner Resourcing: A Work that Reconnects Experience

In a world filled with immense shifts and challenges, where do we find the strength to navigate it all?

Inner Resourcing is for you if you are struggling with feelings of fear, grief, numbness or rage about what’s happening in our world. Over the course of two hours, we will move through the Spiral of the Work That Reconnects, as well as have the opportunity to discuss a little of the Work’s basic assumptions and philosophy.

The Work that Reconnects is a powerful body of work that equips us with tools and resources to help us process the weight of our grief for everything that’s happening in the world, from the climate crisis to wars and injustice. By honouring and holding space for our  despair, we are able to reconnect with our inner wisdom, courage, and sense of belonging, realigning us with ‘what is ours to do’.

“The sorrow, grief, and rage you feel is a measure of your humanity and your evolutionary maturity. As your heart breaks open there will be room for the world to heal.” Joanna Macy

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A little more information: 

Work that Reconnects workshops guide us through the “Spiral”, which helps us to face the challenges of the world with new eyes and a sense of rootedness, belonging and energy. The spiral begins with Gratitude - what are we grateful for having witnessed and experienced in this world? Then, we Honour our Pain for the World. All too often we bury and ignore our pain, numbing ourselves because the cost of feeling it is too high. By allowing the pain to speak, we also realise that we are capable of feeling for something far beyond our ‘selves’ as we have come to perceive them. Recognising our interconnectedness to life, we begin to Perceive with New and Ancient Eyes, enabling us to Go Forth into the actions that call to us.

Inner Resourcing may be for you if you:

  • Are interested in learning more about the Work that Reconnects

  • Feel depressed, anxious, angry or numb about the climate crisis and don't know what to do next

  • Feel disconnected and dissociated from yourself and your body and want to feel more alive

  • Are convinced that you're alone in the way you feel and want to reconnect with humanity

  • Feel that your pain for the world is something that scares and overwhelms you

  • Have a deep love for the earth and all the life on it, and you want to know what you can do to protect and defend life

  • Think that our current model of doing things on earth, e.g. infinite growth on a finite planet, is insanity

  • Don't want "Business as Usual" or the story of the "great unravelling" (e.g. apocalypse) to have the last word

  • Want to reawaken your soul to the sacredness of life and remind yourself of who you really are

You can expect a mixture of role-play, guided meditation and journaling/writing, with plenty of space for discussion. This is an introductory workshop to a much larger body of work; we also offer longer, deep-dive courses for those who want to explore the Work over a longer period of time. 

Ticket price: £50 (GBP) - contact us about scholarship (free or discounted) spaces

About the facilitators:

Gwyneth Jones is a facilitator and coach navigating the place where Deep Adaptation, climate change, psychology and earth-based spirituality meet. She has recently returned to her homeland of North Wales after heeding the call of the land. Gwyneth teaches, writes, and works in climate communications.

Shayontoni Rhea Ghosh is a multi-disciplinary artiste and a facilitator of healing space. She lives and works in Hyderabad, India; and is inspired by water, light, clouds and dogs. She approaches gnosis as a dedicated and earnest student, and is driven by the wish to build an accessible infrastructure for community care. 

Shayontoni and Gwyneth met on the Spiral Journey - a Facilitator Development Program for the Work That Reconnects, where they were both learning to facilitate spaces for people to process their grief and rage for our world. After a happy year of co-facilitating, they found out that they share a birthday. Despite having never met in person, the two have developed a strong bond and have been honoured to hold space for several beautiful groups of humans from across the globe.

After facilitating workshops and courses around the Work that Reconnects together over the last three years, they have created Banduri, a partnership whose mission is to create spaces of connection and healing and provide quality resources for navigating the Great Turning. We support people in tapping into their wisdom and resilience, connecting with their full selves, and living authentically to thrive as much as possible in the great unravelling. We bring people together to break the spell that capitalism has cast on us and to reimagine a different world together. We aim to promote healing, connection, and decolonization to create a world in which all life is created equal, and we live in alignment with the earth, ourselves, and each other.

What people have said about Shayontoni and Gwyneth’s workshops:

“I truly love the way Shayontoni and Gwyneth bring themselves into the circle and how they trust the wisdom of the circle to be the wise teacher. There is a real sense of mutual respect and honouring of each person's contribution.”

“This class was really important for me to touch into the feelings that I have been having about climate change (and the systemic problems that have caused it). It was so important to be able to get to hear others and to share with others my thoughts and feelings. I feel much more sane now and have more tools to help myself function in this world.”

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