The Work That Reconnects is a transformational body of theory & practice about our world and our relationship with it.
May 9th 2022, 9:30am - 4pm UK time
Based on the root teachings of eco-philosopher, teacher and activist Joanna Macy, The Work That Reconnects supports people to move from a sense of isolation to a sense of participation in our world as we continue to undergo tumultuous and rapid changes during our lifetime.
In this introductory online and highly interactive and participatory workshop we will explore:
a) What “The Work that Reconnects“ is and how it can help us personally and professionally to face ongoing, challenging times - it allows us to open our eyes, our minds, and hearts
b) The “Three Stories of our Time” - our version, our reality, and the lens through which we see and understand what is happening in our world, and which can hold us back or help us to go forward
c) The “Spiral” – the four stages of a transformational journey that helps us experience that we are more significant, stronger, more creative, and more deeply interconnected than many of us realized.
£95 per person. There are just 10 places.
This will be facilitated by me and Linda Aspey. Linda is a coach, facilitator, therapist & speaker working on culture, climate change and environment with progressive leaders, teams and coaches, supporting them in facing the challenges that a changing world brings. She teaches in the Thinking Environment (“Time to Think”) and help people to generate new thinking and insight, build stronger relationships, and grow in courage to take action, in highly collaborative ways.