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The Work That Reconnects : Resourcing for Trying Times (an introductory workshop)

An introduction to The Work That Reconnects and how it can help us to ground and resource ourselves in face of the multiple crises and challenges of our world.

August 15th, 9:30am-12:00 UK time (10:30-13:00 CET). Sliding scale £20-40 GBP. Get your ticket here

Originally developed as a powerful resourcing tool for activists, the Work That Reconnects is a system of theory, processes and rituals, which offer the gift of space to develop key insights into how the inhabitants of the beautiful Earth can come together and support a truly life-sustaining shift in our hearts and minds. In particular, it helps us to process the climate crisis and to hold space for our despair so that we can release our power to act.

In the WTR workshops, participants are able to reconnect with their inner wisdom, humanity and innate sense of belonging, with a series of experiential activities like role-play, guided meditations, movement, free writing, and interactive games and processes.

‘Resourcing for Trying Times’ is an opportunity for us who may be struggling with feelings of fear, grief, numbness or rage about the goings-on in our world; as well as an introduction to the philosophy and methodology of the Work That Reconnects.

The facilitators give thanks to the beloved Root Teacher of WTR - Joanna Macy

I am facilitating this with Shayontoni Rhea Ghosh, India - Facilitator, theatre-maker, writer. Lover of oceans, silence, resistance, ritual and love.

July 31

Lammas /Lughnasad Retreat - The Work that Reconnects

September 7

Answering The Call: What's Mine To Do As The World Burns?