Emotional Intelligence Gwyneth Jones Emotional Intelligence Gwyneth Jones

Struggling to “Find your Purpose?” Maybe You’ve Fallen for One of These 7 Myths…

What if your calling doesn't match current economic demands? What if your purpose isn’t out there, wrapped with a pretty bow, waiting to be found?

In this article I explore 7 myths surrounding purpose and passion, and why so many people wrap themselves up in knots trying to figure out exactly what they were put here to do.

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Self-love, changing the world Gwyneth Jones Self-love, changing the world Gwyneth Jones

Taming the Inner Critic and Perfectionism

For years, I allowed my Inner Critic to tell me that I wasn’t talented, attractive, intelligent or knowledgable to become a coach, a writer, or - in fact - to do anything other than take low-paying, easy jobs and allow myself to be treated like dirt. The same thing happened with relationships - I put up with behaviour that I wasn’t happy with because the Inner Critic convinced me that I should be grateful that somebody nice wanted to be with me… and that I could never do better.

So what is an Inner Critic? Well, it’s that part of you that stops you from taking the next step - applying for that job, publishing that article, speaking your mind - because it’s whispering to you: “Who are you? You’re not good enough

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