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Staying Whole in this F*cked up World

You don't need me to tell you - things are messed up in this world.

There can be so much pressure to stay positive - to find the hope, to regulate your nervous system, and to carry on with life... especially if you have people to take care of, a job to do, or other responsibilities.

The challenge, now, is not to let things destroy us... without numbing and shutting out the realities of what is happening, without restoring to toxic positivity and avoidance, and without becoming so overwhelmed that we can't function.

How can you stay whole when the world feels so f*cked up? How can we make sense of what is going on, nurture our souls, and prepare for what comes next?

I'm holding this space - for free - as a space to come together and share how you're feeling right now. We will also explore a little bit of wisdom from the Work that Reconnects, emotional intelligence, and sacred activism around how we can support ourselves and each other in these times - without trying to stick a plaster (band-aid) over things and pretending everything is OK.

Want to attend? Email me: - I’ll send you the Zoom link.

December 22

A Midwinter Gathering

March 14

Full Moon Circle : Bloom (Worm Moon)