Join us for a Midwinter Gathering: a space of ritual, storytelling, visualising and reflecting on the year that has been… and our hopes for the new. December 22nd, 4-6pm UK - buy your ticket here (sliding scale £20-40).
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Join me (Gwyneth Jones) and Matthew Painton for a reflective, dreamy afternoon of looking inwards at what the year has brought and what the next year might bring.
As the sun returns we start to turn outwards, become more active, we grow our relationships, projects and ideas, the sap rises and we burst into flower song and activity towards midsummer. Towards autumn, we appreciate and harvest the fruits of our labour, gathering and laying down our resources for winter, and then let go of our outwards being as we turn deeply inwards to sleep, rest and recuperate at midwinter, to dream ourselves anew, before the new cycle of growth begins.
In this afternoon retreat, we will follow a spiral to connect and interweave deeply personal and wider global perspectives, dreams and stories. In this workshop we do not teach: we all arrive as doubtful experts and wise dreamers. Let's plant and nurture the seeds of our collective wisdom and take care of the fragile shoots so that they can germinate and grow.
At midwinter we can let go of how things ought to be, might have been, of how we wanted them to be, and make friends with what is. We can connect with the deep unconscious, and with our dreaming and with myth. What personal and collective stories are we connected to, re-telling and and living out, how do we re-frame and change or evolve the narrative to dream it anew?
Click here to reserve your spot. You won’t be asked to pay yet.
About the facilitators:
Gwyneth Jones writes, facilitates and coaches around deep adaptation, connection to nature, and emotional intelligence (to name a few things). She lives in the magical lands of North Wales. She is a Work that Reconnects facilitator and has hosted many sharing/grief spaces over the last few years.
Her academic background is in Psychology, and she is also drawn to writing and researching the question of how the polycrisis (or the collapse of the familiar) plays out in the psyche, in the meaning of the brain and body as well as the soul. Gwyneth is also a Druid in training and has a strong connection to dreaming, the land, and imagination.
Matthew Painton is a Deep Adaptation Coach helping people take the world predicament deeply into their being so as to find ways to respond appropriately, proportionately and with love.
He has an academic background in Philosophy and Science and has practised and taught meditation for many years. He offers Wider Embraces meditation as a part of his coaching practice. His working career involved different ways to immerse and involve people with nature for mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well being. As part of the Deep Adaptation network he has developed and launched a web environment where all kinds of practitioners can offer their services and develop and cross-fertilise their practices.