To build a world that is more just, sustainable, and compassionate, we need to revolutionise our relationship - with ourselves, each other, and with the land.

What is reconnection?

*Developing a deep, authentic and loving relationship to ourselves - cultivating gratitude and self-love, recognising that we are already enough as we are

*Healing trauma - personal and collective - in order to fully see each other for who we are, and not the projections and shadows we cast onto one another

*Working on the way that we communicate with others in order to grow through conflict, rather than avoiding it or letting it fester

*Remembering who we really are and reawakening to our interconnectedness with all life

*Deprogramming the messages given to us by Capitalism and Colonialism - this means being open to decolonisation work and deconstructing your ideas of race, gender, nationality, etc

*Relearning things our ancestors took for granted - such as the cycles of nature, how to live in harmony with the earth, and how to keep ourselves alive

*Reconnecting to lost traditions that nurture the spirit, such as revering the ancestors and benefitting from their wisdom

*Joining together to do things that have always nurtured the soul - singing, dance, art, creation, storytelling, myth-making, and celebration

*Being curious, open and honest about our experiences (including our thoughts and emotions) rather than judging them


The Facebook Group

A group to foster healthy debate and discussion about who we are, including topics such as psychology, philosophy, the deconstruction of social narratives, storytelling, meaning-making, ecology, permaculture, spirituality, nature connection, society, technology, relationships, connection - with a strong focus on Joanna Macy's Work That Reconnects.
The group is already full of activists, peacebuilders, ecopsychologists, coaches, lightworkers, spiritual guides, and all kinds of people working with reconnection.


Stay tuned for events, courses and videos that delve into how we can create the world we wish to see…

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